Home > Imunohemija (Page 3)
Beta2 Glikoprotein i IgM At
1.680,00 rsd
C1 Inaktivator
2.420,00 rsd
C1 Inhibitor
1.560,00 rsd
C1 q Imunokompleksi
1.440,00 rsd
CCP At (reumatoidni artritis)
1.820,00 rsd
Centromerni protein B At
1.820,00 rsd
CH 50 komplement
1.560,00 rsd
ds-DNA At
1.490,00 rsd
Eli-N-Test 12
5.400,00 rsd
Eli-Viscero-Test 24
13.370,00 rsd
Endomizijalna IgA At
2.620,00 rsd
Fosfolipidna IgG At
1.690,00 rsd
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