Acetilholinski receptori At
4.600,00 rsd
Adrenalna At
3.800,00 rsd
Akvaporin 4 At
3.540,00 rsd
Alfa1-antitripsin, fenotipizacija
11.520,00 rsd
AMA (Antimitohondrijalna) M2 At
1.430,00 rsd
ANA (Antinuklearna At)
1.510,00 rsd
ANA HEP-2 (Antinuklearna At HEP-2)
1.690,00 rsd
ANA(ENA) Profil 15 At
5.520,00 rsd
ANCA-c (anti PR3)
1.430,00 rsd
ANCA-p (anti MPO)
1.430,00 rsd
1.330,00 rsd
Anti-streptokokna hijaluronidaza
2.040,00 rsd
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