Femoflor – unique test for women

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Femoflor – unique test for women

Femoflor is a microbiological analysis for examining the imbalance of the microflora of the urogenital tract of women.

The normal microflora of the vagina of reproductive age is a well-balanced and stable system. The dominant agents in it are Lactobacillus, whose lactic acid product creates an acidic reaction of the vaginal contents, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The microbiological analysis Femoflor is carried out to reveal the qualitative and quantitative composition of the flora.

Femoflor is performed using the real-time PCR method. In the short term, it shows an objective picture of the state of the biocoenosis as a whole – the ratio of native and clinically significant microorganisms.

The Femoflor test allows the doctor to choose individual therapeutic treatments and select only the necessary drugs for the most effective therapy.

When is the Femoflor test necessary?

For the diagnosis of infectious causes of problems from the urogenital tract, including sexually transmitted diseases.

To identify disorders in the composition of the microflora of the urogenital tract, i.e. the causes of disease and discomfort.

To evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and treatment results.

To monitor the process of recovery of the normal microflora of the vagina.

When preparing for IVF (in vitro fertilization).

Clinical material for examination of the main indicators is a separate substance of the posterior vault of the vagina, however, at the discretion of the doctor, it can be a separate substance of the cervical canal and/or urethra.

For the etiological diagnosis of pathogens, the types of biological material are:

Swab of the posterior vault of the vagina.

Cervical canal smear.

Urethral swab.

How to choose the Femoflor test?

The Femoflor test is prescribed by a doctor depending on the symptoms and localization of the inflammatory process.

Femoflor screen – urethral swab.

Femoflor 16 – urethral swab.

Femoflor screen – swab of the cervical canal.

Femoflor 16 – swab of the cervical canal.

Femoflor screen – vagiinal swab..

Femoflor 16 – vaginal swab.

How is the examination conducted?


Swab of the posterior vault of the vagina, cevic canal, urethra.

Methods of taking biomaterials

In the Citilab laboratory.

Preparation for examination

In order to get an accurate result, before the examination, it is not allowed:

Using drugs (antibiotics, antiseptics, pro and eubiotics), including local preparations (suppositories, tablets, creams).

It is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for 24-48 hours.

Testing after transvaginal ultrasonography and colposcopy within 24-48 hours is not recommended.

Preparation for giving a sample

Women are advised to test before menstruation or 2 days after its end and no earlier than 2 hours after urination.

Before and on the day of the examination, women are not recommended to wash their vagina. 3-5 days before the proposed analysis, it is necessary to exclude the use of vaginal preparations containing fats (suppositories, creams, vaginal tablets).

It is not recommended to give samples during antibiotic therapy (general / local) and during menstruation, at least 24-48 hours after intercourse, intravaginal ultrasound and colposcopy

Analysis description

The possibilities of modern PCR diagnostics enable the implementation of multifactorial, quantitative tests, revealing the DNA of various microorganisms in the obtained samples.

Analyzes of disorders of the urogenital tract in women with Femoflor®, carried out by PCR in real time, allow to obtain an objective picture of the state of the biocoenosis as a whole in a short time (1-2 days) – the ratio of normal flora and clinically significant microorganisms.

Each microbiological analysis includes the determination of the following parameters:

Control sampling material (CME) – the number of human epithelial cells in the test sample, an objective quantitative criterion for the correctness of the sample submitted for testing. Results with a CME value greater than 104 are subject to detailed interpretation.

Total bacterial mass (BMM) is the total contamination of the biotope. It shows the total number of bacterial cells trapped in the transport medium when the scraping is taken. Results with MBP greater than 106 are subject to detailed interpretation;

Standard microflora – quantification of Lactobacillus spp. and their shares in MBO. The analysis is intended for extended assessment of vaginal microbiocenosis; may be recommended for a comprehensive clinical examination, taking into account multifocal infection, occult clinical symptoms and the risk of complications. By identifying the etiological structure of the infectious and inflammatory process, this analysis enables the optimization, minimization and individualization of therapy, that is, the implementation of adequate, etiologically directed treatment of each patient.

FEMOFLOR – 16 microbiological analysis detects:

Total bacterial mass

Lactobacillus spp.

Enterobacterium spp.

Streptococcus spp.

Staphilococcus spp.

Gardnerella vaginalis + Prevotella bivia + Porphiromonas spp.

Eubacterium spp.

Sneathia spp. + Leptotrichia spp. + Fusobacterium spp.

Megasphaera spp. + Veillonella spp. + Dialister spp.

Lachnobacterium spp. + Clostridium spp. / Mobiluncus spp. + Corinebacterium spp.

Peptostreptococcus spp.

Atopobium vaginae

Mycoplasma genitalium

Mycoplasma hominis

Ureaplasma spp.

Candida spp.

CME (sample control).

With Femoflor test, you will not need any others!

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